Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Buckwheat Traditional Recipe

I have in my possession 1 gallon of pure, raw buckwheat honey. Soon (I hope) I will have a free carboy and therefore, it is time to start thinking about potential recipes.

I hope to brew a dry to medium stout mead composed of entirely buckwheat honey. Personally, I enjoy brewing without adding chemicals, athough I will probably have to add some yeast nutrient. In the past I have used raisins but I hope to avoid this. So far, the orange blossom traditional is doing fine without raisins although I did add six teaspoons of yeast nutrient due to the lower level of nitrogen commonly found in this varietal.

What I am thinking:

1 gal buckwheat honey
5 tsp of yeast nutrient
1 pack Lavlin D-47 (hydrated)
Water to 5 gal.

Any thoughts?


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